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If you’re in the practice of booking fishing guides in the Florida Keys, and you haven’t booked with Captain Brian Helms of Islamorada Fly Fishing, you literally have no idea what you’re missing. All you have to bring is lunch and he’ll take care of everything else. A few sandwiches for a once in a lifetime fishing excursion sounds like a pretty fair trade, doesn’t it? Captain Brian’s been guiding charters since he was seventeen. Most young men don’t have their driver’s license by then. In the years that Brian’s been giving guided tours of the Keys and Everglades, his track record for success has only continued to grow.

Experience speaks for itself, and Brian not only has the time in, he has credentials that prove it. He has been guide to multiple anglers who have placed in major fly fishing tournaments. Most recently, Brian was guide to the Grand Champion angler for the 2013 Hawley Tournament, and to the Grand Champion angler of the 50th Anniversary of the Gold Cup tarpon tournament.

Really, the best thing about Brian’s outfit is that he cares, he truly and genuinely is invested in bringing a quality experience to all of his clients. If you’re looking for a good mechanic, you ask around. Well, ask around about fishing in the Keys and I’d wager dollars to donuts that Brian Helms’ name comes up more than once.

Brian’s a savvy businessman, and his business savvy is a byproduct of his skill as a fly-fishing guide and master angler. Build a better mouse trap, and they beat path to your door, right? Well, build a better charter company—one that takes all comers, has the best gear and equipment— and they’ll definitely beat a path to your dock. If you’re new to fishing or breathe through gills, if you’re looking for the thrill of the catch or would rather sit back and see some Everglades wildlife instead, Captain Brian Helms has just the trip for you.

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